Sunday, May 27, 2012


                                                                               ----------                                        26-05-2012
My dear brothers and sisters ( India and abroad)!
I appeal all of you to awake,unite and stand in  support of real heroes,struggling against corrupt
Indian politics.But how !
Efforts of system correction with characters of today is like fighting with thorns grown on trees sown,but they are fighting with thorn. You require to grow your child like a son of nation .Take this responsibility.
Can you !
If yes , it will be real contribution to the real heroes.
You will be able to see the India in the shape,which is in the vision of our HEROES.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Prayer To THE GOD

O My Lord!
My Hunger is for your blessings.
I expect the exchange of my soul with you,
like the bees with the flowers.
I expect the meeting of my soul with you,
like the rivers to the sea.
I expect my ego to get driven out,
like the darkness from the light.
I expect my voice to be filled with love,
like the kindness in the heart.
I expect you in vision of my eyes,
like the sun in the sky.

O my Lord!
Fill the beauty of kindness and love,
in each element of the earth.
Let my sins be bathed with your ever raining kindness,
and be like white snow mountains.
O my Lord!
Let your blessings be ever raining over the world....

Let Us be ONE

First of all I salute My Nation , My Mother Earth and finally each n every individual of universe.
I want to ask world, " why the boundaries of the nations are frightened from each other? Why the world is engaged in producing lethal weapons to protect themselves whereas it is well known fact that the weapon of love destroys all the terror, all the fear from the hearts and remove all kinds of limitations either it is of thought or of boundaries. It is so co-operative weapon which can grow only n only one word filled with the kindness, faith,respect n warm music.Come " LET US SAY GOOD BYE TO LETHAL WEAPONS " which only creates hatred in hearts.